
June 3, 2012

Proverbs 3:3
Let love and faithfulness never learn you; bind them around your neck, write them on a tablet of your

We made it to church today. Feels like it has been forever since I have sat in that building, listened to my Father's word, and I can tell you, I truly missed it!!!!!

Today Pastor Dave talked about wisdom in church. He broke it down into three categories.

1. Choosing Wisdom - Learn His Word
2. Using Wisdom - Go To Him with just purpose
3. Pursuing Wisdom - Search and find

Today I read.... ( Life Application Study Bible, NIV)
Love and faithfulness are important character qualities. Both involve actions as well as attitudes. A loving person not only feels love, he or she also acts loyally and responsibly. A faithful person not only believes the truth; he or she also works for justice for others. Thoughts and words are not enough - our lives reveal whether we are truly loving and faithful. Do you actions measure up to your attitude?

As I evaluate whether my actions measure up to my attitude I am a little disappointed in myself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions (that is a county song by Randy Travis and I can hear his twangy voice singing it, and as he says the final line “Mama, my intentions were the best” I can totally relate!). I start new each day, and I seem to make a mess of things by noon. I have great ideas on how I am going to do something for someone else today, something to be a blessing to them, and I forget the item at home, or I run out of time… Sometimes my actions are pure hearted and by the end of the encounter I am a miserable wreck. I feel like I have been 10 rounds with Mike Tyson and I am ready to bite someone’s ear off!

How is it when you start out with pure intensions to be a blessing to someone, you end up with regrets? This is a question I have asked myself time and again. The answer I have gotten all goes back to submission. I have submitted certain aspects of my life to God’s total control. I pray. I study the Word. I try to think before I speak. However, there are still areas of my life where I am trying to control what happens. The only thing I have controlled is making myself miserable! The answer I get, over and over like a blast on a loud speaker, is that I must submit EVERY aspect of my life to Him. No matter how big or small, happy or sad, pretty or ugly, they must all be submitted to Him. I have to relinquish control over my world so that He can work through me for His purpose. It is then, and only then can I really find peace.

Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. Proverbs 3:13 – 14.

I pray for you, my friend. I pray that you will seek wisdom, the wisdom that only Heavenly Father can give. I pray that you will seek with all of your heart, submit all of who you are, and become everything that He wants you to be. I pray for peace your home, peace in your heart, peace in your days. I pray that each and every one of you have someone who will counsel you with Godly wisdom. I pray that all of you have a Pastor Dave who can awaken that voice deep within yourself, the one that will make you yearn to have a personal relationship with your Father!

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