Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year's Resolution 2015

I realize that it is past New Year's Day, but I have been sick and somewhat out of it lately, so today I will write my letter. My thought is to write a letter each year with my goals for the year and then at the end of the year, read that same letter and see how I did on my resolution. I will try to remember to update this page as the year progresses, but I can't guarantee anything.

Dear 2016 Self,
2014 was a year of adjustments. We are down to two kids at home. (The others have moved on with their adult life.) So, we are in a home that has become too much for us. I find myself frustrated with cleaning. Once I get finished, I have to start all over again. Understand that I have yet to get the entire house cleaned in one day. It just seems that piles of stuff show up to be picked up. So, with my frustration level at an all time high, one goal that I have for 2015 is to down-size. I want to down-size the amount of stuff we have and the amount of space we have in which to hold the stuff. I am not sure where we will end up living, which town specifically, but my goal is to be in a different home. Something more practical and manageable for our lifestyle. In order to accomplish this, there are some tough decisions that need to be made. First, do we buy out-of-town, or in town? If we buy out-of-town, do we rent an apartment here or buy a fifth wheel to live in for 2015-2016? So many variables and so little control. So, I will leave that up to God. Wherever He puts us is where we will be

I hope that in 2016 I have better relationships with my 20 year old. Right now we are struggling with how this new relationship should be. He sees it one way, I see it another. I guess we are learning this new, uncharted territory for us. I just hope that something gives. I pray that I learn how to let go with grace. And I pray that he can hold on with grace. I guess we will have to learn this new relationship together.

I will also be taking steps to continue my personal story growth. I will learn how to let go and let God. I need to continue my healing process. However, I need to make sure that the steps I am taking are the appropriate steps.

Some items that I will be improving on:
- Delivering birthday cards to all family members on their birthdays
- Christmas shopping done by September 1
- Create a savings account (and put money into it)
- Create a producing garden
- Keep up with our household plan
- Be ready the day before
- Have lesson plans ready two weeks out

Now for the biggest goals for the next year... these are things that I am not going to specifically formulate a plan for, but things that I would love to have happen. I would like to be debt-free. By that I mean out of unsecured debt. I would like to have a profitable business. I would like to loose the last 50 pounds that I picked up along the years.